A not-too-common type of Certificate
September 1, 2020
As with any organization, Masonic Lodges generate paperwork. There are meeting notices, meeting minutes, installation programs, certificates, and so on. Regarding certificates, just a few types are: those for new members, awards, years of membership, demits, and possibly more. As they’re a bit less common, today we’ll look at demits/dimits.
For those unfamiliar with the term “demit,” here’s a good description from the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon: “If a member in good standing finds himself, for whatever personal reason, unable or unwilling to maintain his association with Freemasonry, he may voluntarily withdraw from Freemasonry by requesting a demit, which he is entitled to receive.” So, an individual may be given a “discharge from membership,” but only at his request. Assuming the Mason meets the qualifications listed above, the demit is granted automatically.
Following are examples of demits in our museum collection. The styles of certificates range from simple to elaborate, but they all perform the same function.

These are just a few of the Certificates of Demission in the Heritage Center archives. Most are fairly plain; some are quite ornate. All are examples of the lost printer’s art.
Fiat Lux,
Mark Anderson